FreeDV 1600 Sample Clock Offset Bug

So I’m busy integrating FreeDV 700D into the FreeDV GUI program. The 700D modem works on larger frames (160ms) than the previous modes (e.g. 20ms for FreeDV 1600) so I need to adjust FIFO sizes.

As a reference I tried FreeDV 1600 between two laptops (one tx, one rx) and noticed it was occasionally losing frame sync, generating bit errors, and producing the occasional bloop in the audio. After a little head scratching I discovered a bug in the FreeDV 1600 FDMDV modem! Boy, is my face red.

The FMDMV modem was struggling with sample clock differences between the mod and demod. I think the bug was introduced when I did some (too) clever refactoring to reduce FDMDV memory consumption while developing the SM1000 back in 2014!

Fortunately I have a trail of unit test programs, leading back from FreeDV GUI, to the FreeDV API (freedv_tx and freedv_rx), then individual unit tests for each modem (fdmdv_mod/fdmdv_demod), and finally Octave simulation code (fdmdv.m, fdmdv_demod.m and friends) for the modem.

Octave (or an equivalent vector based scripting language like Python/numpy) is much easier to work with than C for complex DSP problems. So after a little work I reproduced the problem using the Octave version of the FDMDV modem – bit errors happening every time there was a timing jump.

The modulator sends parallel streams of symbols at about 50 baud. These symbols are output at a sample rate of 8000 Hz. Part of the demodulators job is to estimate the best place to sample each received modem symbol, this is called timing estimation. When the tx and rx are separate, the two sample clocks are slightly different – your 8000 Hz clock will be a few Hz different to mine. This means the timing estimate is a moving target, and occasionally we need to compenstate by talking a few more or few less samples from the 8000 Hz sample stream.

In the plot below the Octave demodulator was fed with a signal that is transmitted at 8010 Hz instead of the nominal 8000 Hz. So the tx is sampling faster than the rx. The y axis is the timing estimate in samples, x axis time in seconds. For FreeDV 1600 there are 160 samples per symbol (50 baud at 8 kHz). The timing estimate at the rx drifts forwards until we hit a threshold, set at +/- 40 samples (quarter of a symbol). To avoid the timing estimate drifting too far, we take a one-off larger block of samples from the input, the timing takes a step backwards, then starts drifting up again.

Back to the bug. After some head scratching, messing with buffer shifts, and rolling back phases I eventually fixed the problem in the Octave code. Next step is to port the code to C. I used my test framework that automatically compares a bunch of vectors (states) in the Octave code to the equivalent C code:

octave:8> system("../build_linux/unittest/tfdmdv")
sizeof FDMDV states: 40032 bytes
ans = 0
octave:9> tfdmdv
tx_bits..................: OK
tx_symbols...............: OK
tx_fdm...................: OK
pilot_lut................: OK
pilot_coeff..............: OK
pilot lpf1...............: OK
pilot lpf2...............: OK
S1.......................: OK
S2.......................: OK
foff_coarse..............: OK
foff_fine................: OK
foff.....................: OK
rxdec filter.............: OK
rx filt..................: OK
env......................: OK
rx_timing................: OK
rx_symbols...............: OK
rx bits..................: OK
sync bit.................: OK
sync.....................: OK
nin......................: OK
sig_est..................: OK
noise_est................: OK

passes: 46 fails: 0

Great! This system really lets me move fast once the Octave code is written and tested. Next step is to test the C version of the FDMDV modem using the command line arguments. Note how I used sox to insert a sample rate offset by changing the same rate of the raw sample stream:

build_linux/src$ ./fdmdv_get_test_bits - 30000 | ./fdmdv_mod - - | sox -t raw -r 8000 -s -2 - -t raw -r 7990 - | ./fdmdv_demod - - 14 demod_dump.txt | ./fdmdv_put_test_bits -
bits 29568  errors 0  BER 0.0000

Zero errors, despite 10Hz sample clock offset. Yayyyyy. The C demodulator outputs a bunch of vectors that can be plotted with an Octave helper program:

octave:6> fdmdv_demod_c("../build_linux/src/demod_dump.txt",28000)

The FDMDV modem is integrated with Codec 2 in the FreeDV API. This can be tested using the freedv_tx/freedv_rx programs. For convenience, I generated some 60 second test files at different sample rates. Here is how I test using the freedv_rx program:

./freedv_rx 1600 ~/Desktop/ve9qrp_1600_8010.raw - | aplay -f S16

The ouput audio sounds good, no bloops, and by examining the freedv_rx_log.txt file I can see the demodulator didn’t loose sync. Cool.

Here is a table of the samples I used for testing:

No clock offset Simulates Tx sample rate 10Hz slower than Rx Simulates Tx sampling 10Hz faster than Rx

Finally, the FreeDV API is linked with the FreeDV GUI program. Here is a video of me testing different sample clock offsets using the raw files in the table above. Note there is no audio in this video as my screen recorder fights with FreeDV for use of sound cards. However the decoded FreeDV audio should be uninterrupted, there should be no re-syncs, and zero bit errors:

The fix has been checked into codec2-dev SVN rev 3556, and will make it’s way into FreeDV GUI 1.3, to be released in late May 2018.

Reading Further

FDMDV modem
Steve Ports an OFDM modem from Octave to C, some more on the Octave/C automated test framework and porting complex DSP algorithms.
Testing a FDMDV Modem. Early blog post on FDMDV modem with some more disucssion on sample clock offsets
Timing Estimation for PSK modems, talks a little about how we generate a timing estimate

2 thoughts on “FreeDV 1600 Sample Clock Offset Bug”

  1. Thank you for your very informative blog posts. I find them even more interesting than the code itself.
    Related to the issue described here, I guess this reenforces the need for a stable clock reference in modern SDR devices, as they deal with even larger sample rates. For example, the free software GSM base station implementation by Osmocom can work without an external GPSDO but as you introduce the distance and delay factors you quickly run into limitations caused by clock difference. Essentially your OFDM modems are true software defined radio, except they use a sound card instead of a dedicated ADC/DAC.

  2. Thanks Adrian, I like to write about the bugs I encounter to help explain the technology.

    Yes better clock references do make the modem design easier. The +/- 1000ppm these modems handle is rather wide by modem standards, due to the requirement to work with commodity sound cards.

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