Open IP over VHF/UHF 3

The goal of this project is to develop a “100 kbit/s IP link” for VHF/UHF using just a Pi and RTLSDR hardware, and open source signal processing software [1]. Since the last post, I’ve integrated a bunch of components and now have a half duplex radio data system running over the bench.

Recent progress:

  1. The Tx and Rx signal processing is now operating happily together on a Pi, CPU load is fine.
  2. The FSK_LDPC modem and FEC [2] has been integrated, so we can now send and receive coded frames. The Tx and Rx command line programs have been modified to send and receive bursts of frames.
  3. I’ve added a PIN diode Transmit/Receive switch, which I developed for the SM2000 project [3]. This is controlled by a GPIO from the Pi. There is also logic to start and stop the Pi Tx carrier at the beginning and end of bursts – so it doesn’t interfere with the Rx side.
  4. I’ve written a “frame repeater” application that takes packets received from the Rx and re-transmits them using the Tx. This will let me run “ping” tests over the air. A neat feature is it injects the received Signal and Noise power into the frame it re-transmits. This will let me measure the received power, the noise floor, and SNR at the remote station.
  5. The receiver in each terminal is very sensitive, and inconveniently picks up frames transmitted by that terminal. After trying a few approaches I settled on a “source filtering” design. When a packet is transmitted, the Tx places a “source byte” in the frame that is unique to that terminal. A one byte MAC address I guess. The local receiver then ignores (filters) any packets with that source address, and only outputs frames from other terminals.

Here is a block diagram of the Pi based terminal, showing hardware and software components:

When I build my next terminal, I will try separate Tx and Rx antennas, as a “minimalist” alternative to the TR switch. The next figure shows the transmit control signals in action. Either side of a burst we need to switch the TR switch and turn the Tx carrier on and off:

Here’s the current half duplex setup on the bench:

Terminal2 is on the left, is comprised of the Pi, RTLSDR, and TR switch. Terminal1 (right) is the HackRF/RTLSDR connected to my laptop. Instead of a TR switch I’m using a hybrid combiner (a 3dB loss, but not an issue for these tests). This also shows how different SDR Tx/Rx hardware can be used with this system.

I’m using 10,000 bit/s for the current work, although that’s software configurable. When I start testing over the air I’ll include options for a range of bit rates, eventually shooting for 100 kbits/s.

Here’s a demo video of the system:

Next Steps

The command lines to run everything are getting unwieldy so I’ll encapsulate them is some “service” scripts to start and stop the system neatly. Then box everything up, try a local RF link, and check for stability over a few days. Once I’m happy I will deploy a terminal and start working through the real world issues. The key to getting complex systems going is taking tiny steps. Test and debug carefully at each step.

It’s coming together quite nicely, and I’m enjoying a few hours of work on the project every weekend. It’s very satisfying to build the layers up one by one, and a pleasant surprise when the pieces start playing nicely together and packets move magically across the system. I’m getting to play with RF, radios, modems, packets, and even building up small parts of a protocol. Good fun!

Reading Further

[1] Open IP over UHF/VHF Part 1 and Part 2.
[2] FSK LDPC Data Mode – open source data mode using a FSK modem and powerful LDPC codes.
[3] SM2000 Part 3 – PIN TR Switch and VHF PA
[4] GitHub repo for this project with build scripts, a project plan and a bunch of command lines I use to run various tests. The latest work in progress will be an open pull request.

4 thoughts on “Open IP over VHF/UHF 3”

    1. Yes 100 kbit/s 2 of 4 FSK is the waveform, although to date I’ve only used lower bit rates over the air due to the link margin. I’m assuming flat multipath fading at this stage, but haven’t run the numbers. I don’t think the current demod would be robust to freq selective fading.

  1. I think that will be much too fast for the ham VHF/UHF mobile channel. The coherence bandwidth is likely closer to 5-10 kHz but it really needs to be measured, e.g., with a mobile receiver listening to a direct sequence PN beacon on a hilltop. We did a lot of that in the early days of QCOM IS-95 CDMA, but at 890 MHz over the shorter links typical of cellular. As I recall the delay spreads were typically a few microseconds up to 10-20 microseconds, but this was almost 30 years ago. The CDMA chip rate was 1.2288 MHz.

    1. Thanks for the tip! Actually I hadn’t considered mobile operation, was thinking about pt-pt use cases. Will be interesting to test.

      How does analog FM hold up in the mobile VHF/UHF Ham use case, as that’s fairly wide compared to 5-10 kHz?

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